Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Current events Term 1 Week 9

We all think Easter egg hunts are just for humans but think again because gorilla's and apes love egg hunts aswell. At Ohio's Cincinnati zoo and botanical gardens even the animals join in. On Saturday march 19 park officials organised the annual egg hunt for the resident lowland gorillas. The hid bright coloured eggs and other treats for them.

These gorilla's and apes know exactly what to do the pick up there baskets and try and find as many treats as the can. As soon as the found them they devoured them.
If you want to watch the video click this link.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Technology Week two

For Technology week two we made juices and smoothies. For week two we didn't use a recipe we used a flow chart.
  1. Wash hands and put on apron.
  2. Get out the equipment that we needed.
  3. Get the food we were going to have with our juices and smoothies.
  4. Wash, peel and chop the food that we chose.
  5. Set up the processor and check that is is clicked in place.
  6. Put the food, water and ice in the processor if you want ice.
  7. Turn on the processor on for thirty seconds to one minute.
  8. Pour the mixture in to a cup.
There you have it do that with your smoothie and juice and your good to go.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Current events Term 1 Week 8

As Easter is coming a London bakery is baking a Easter treat which claims to be the best. They call it Creme egg cronut. The name of the bakery is Rinkoff bakery. The Creme egg cronut is made by injecting the filling from the Cadbury's creme egg filling the crodough.

There is a limited number of cronut's they make each day this creation only last's to the 26 of march. And it only cost's 3 pounds.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Technology Week one

For technology we have been doing cooking and for the first week we did mini pita pocket pizza's. We had to get a pita pocket, cheese, tomato paste, tomato, ham, pineapple.
If we wanted we could put onion and capsicum.
Put the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and on fan bake and in the middle of the oven
  1. We needed to get the base then spread tomato paste over it.
  2. Grate the cheese and chop and peel the onion if we had it on our mini pita pocket pizzas.
  3. Put the ingredients on the pizza and lay them on baking paper put it on a tray then put it in the oven.
Once we have done that and there are cooked they will be ready. Before you turn the oven on you need to make sure there is nothing in it

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

4 Words

4 Words To Describe Me

  • Kind
  • Fun
  • Skilled
  • Funny

4 Words To Describe My Parents
  1. Kind
  2. Fun
  3. Funny
  4. Caring 
4 Words To Describe My Teachers

  1. Smart
  2. Thoughtful
  3. funny
  4. intellagant

Current events. Term 1 Week 7

There has been a recent discovery about a monster rat. A gas engineer was working on a block of flats near a London playground. He found it hiding in a bush and said it weighed around eleven kgs. They say they might be breeding underneath the city streets. It is known as a grasscutter or also known as a cane rat.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Writing and me.

What skill's do I have that help me in writing?

Some skills that I have are Spelling, Summarising, Questioning and Rereading.

What can I offer to others in writing (Writing club or workshops)?

I can offer them my help and I could also offer them some advice If they want.

What do I think makes a good writer?

A good writer needs to is to when he/she writes that they reread and make sure that it makes sense and also make sure that it is spelt correctly.

What am I interested in writing about?

I am interested it writing about things that are not real and I like making up my own stories. I think that writing has helped me a lot in writing.

What is your biggest challenge or obstacle as a writer?

My biggest challenge is thinking of what to write about and when I need something to write about I don't have anything to write about.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Welcome back

I am looking forward to the types of activities that we are going to do this year.

This year I am going to try my best and I am going to concentrate and not get distracted.

I hope that I am going to do better in here then I was doing in cinducut before

My goal this year is to better at my school work and do better then I did last year.

I know I am going to do better in my reading because I am going to read more books and read 100 pages of a book a day.