A seven letter word containing thousands of letters
My name is Kurt. I am a YR7 student at ngatea primary school. My favourite game is minecraft. I love the colour green.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
End Of Year Quote
I thing that this quote relates to what I am feeling because it is almost the end of the year and I am really happy that it is almost the end of the year.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
My Favourite Learning Space
My favourite learning space is the quiet zone. 
It is my favourite space because it is quiet
It is my favourite space because it is quiet
My Lego Person That Represents Me As A Learner
I think that this represents me as a learner because I always like learning and I couldn't find a navy blue colour so I just used a blue instead of navy blue and this is the person that I think represents me as a learner. =P
Student Led Conferences
This term when we did our student led conferences my mum and dad came for it and I shared my learning with them and I also showed them our GE (group endeavour) creation. We did our creation on minecraft I liked showing my family my learning and it was really fun showing them my learning.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Goal reflection
This week's goal was about collaboration and teamwork. Today when I was playing a game with my friends my friend got my other friend to go out of the slide and then I got him. Yesterday for food tech we needed to get into a pair and then we needed to get the ingredients for gingerbread. We made gingerbread biscuits and then we ate them but I didn't like them so I shared the biscuits. One of the ingredients were brown sugar and we had to use 90g of it. It was really fun making them and we are making some more next week I think so.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Marama Miniature Gardens 2016
This day the class the marama team that didn't go to calf club made miniature garden and it was really fun.
We got the choice to do it in a pair or do it solo and I chose to do it in a pair with my friend.
There was lot's of different theme's but me and my friend did a beach themed one and at the bottom of the container there is something white and the white thing is a shell and we have more shells in the sand aswell.
We put a few Lego people on it aswell and my friend made a life guard hut and put a Lego motorbike on it aswell he brought five Lego people.
I really had a good time doing this activity and I hope we do another on later this year with lot's of different idea's.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
The Week's Goal
What was my goal you might ask my goal was to finish my AWS book by the end of the term and I finished it earlier.
This goal for this week has made me think more and if I don't give up I can do anything and achive any of my other goals that I have for my self.
I really enjoyed this goal If I haven't had set myself this goal I would never have completed my AWS book before the end of the term.
This has been a really good goal to have and If I need something done I will NOT GIVE UP!!!.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Daffodil Day
So today was Daffodil day and at school we had to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up and I wanted to be a paramedic.
And we needed to bring a gold coin donation to raise money for the cancer society.
So the people with cancer can get treated and not have cancer anymore.
And if we got best dressed we got a chocolate bar and we did a mini parade so we could see what other people dressed up so the people that were choose what person the thought could be the best dressed.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Book Bash

Monday, 8 August 2016
What I am Interested in/Questions
Some of the thing's that I was interested in were like compasses and computer chips and things to do with that.
Some of the questions that I had were like how do magnets work and how do computer chips work and how compasses were made and how they worked aswell.
And there is another question that I had but I didn't and to the rest of the post it notes and it was Where do they get made this is for the compasses and the computer chips aswell.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
My Book Bash Prediction
I think that in side the letter there is going to be something like "I'm coming to get you" or it maybe a letter from his dad.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
My report on Fairven
Fairven went down to the south island for the first week she did lot’s of things.
The thing she enjoyed most was seeing the scientist’s doing lot's of crazy experiments like exploding a angry bird across the room.
And a vacuum cleaner marshmallow shooter.
And making teddy’s explode to make them hit the roof. He said “they where trade stunt teddy’s for experiments like this”.
She learnt liquid nitrogen in a bottle and put the lid on it would explode because there was no air in it.
It was in Wanaka and it was on Wednesday.
And she stayed at the South island for a week.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Fry Bread
Fry Bread Recipe (enough per pair)
¼ cup of warm water
½ teaspoon of sugar
½ teaspoon of yeast
½ cup of plain flour
½ teaspoon of salt
Cooking oil
Add sugar to water and dissolve, then sprinkle the yeast over the top.
Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl and stir in the yeast mixture (can add more flour if needed). Roll out on a floured board and knead.
Leave to rise for about 10 minutes, or till it doubles in size. Return the dough to a floured board and knead a little pressing with your knuckles. Cut into small diamond shapes and shallow fry in hot oil until golden.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Ko Te Aroha (mountain) toku maunga
My mountain is Te Aroha.
Ko Piako River (river) toku awa
My river is Piako.
Ko Te kapa (sea/harbour) toku moana
My harbour/sea is Te kapa.
No Thames (place where you are from)
I am from Thames.
Ko Ngatea Primary School (school) toku Kura
My School is Ngatea Primary School.
Ko Richard (father) toku matua
My father is Richard.
Ko Natasha (mother) toku whaea
My mother is Natasha.
Ko Kurt (your name) toku ingoa
My name is Kurt.
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all.
Monday, 13 June 2016
My Weekend
On the weekend it was my birthday and we went ice skating for my birthday.
It was fun apart the times that I fell over and we also had pizza for dinner.
When I was at my dad's the night before my birthday my dad took me to see avalanche city perform live in Taurangua.
Dad got us seats on the fourth row from the front and it was really loud.
I thought that avalanche city had more people then three people in the band.
They had really good songs the song that I thought that they were going to play wasn't and it was the last song that they played I really enjoyed my day and it was cool.
I got a photo at the concert and I am going to put it up now here is the photo
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
National young leaders day 2016
On Thursday last week I went to National young leaders day 2016 and it was really fun and it was very interesting as well. There was different people that spoke and said some things about being a leader. The different speakers were Billy graham, Briley Mills, Steve and Riley Hathaway, Emily Muli, Valentine, Marina Alefosio and Dave Baxter. Some of my `
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
The Goal's reflection reflection
This week's goal was I organise myself to be ready to learn. I know when I need to take a break from my learning. I think I have achieved this goal because I have been drinking more water had a bit more huff and puff breaks and I have not been distracted because I have been concentrating on my own learning.
Goal Reflaction
Goal I organise myself to be ready to learn. I know when I need to take a break from my learning..
To organise myself to be ready to learn I need to take more huff and puff breaks, always keep drinking lots of water to keep myself hydrated and concentrate on my learning and not get distract while doing my learning.
To organise myself to be ready to learn I need to take more huff and puff breaks, always keep drinking lots of water to keep myself hydrated and concentrate on my learning and not get distract while doing my learning.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Current events Term 1 Week 11
A recent discovery by a group of teachers and Canada's mcgill university, uncovered that city birds are smarter and healthier then country birds. The birds that live in Urban environments are not better at problem solving and more skilled tasks that require innovation, then there counter parts they also have stronger immune systems. There research the first ever to examine the cognitive of urban dwelling birds with those of their country cousins, was spearheaded by Jean-Nicolas Audet, a Ph.D student at university's department of biology.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Goal reflection
Goal: I can make positive choices for my OWN learning.
- Reflection: I make the right choices for my Own learning when I don't sit next to my friends and concentrate on my learning and don't talk to anyone.
- Go sit in the quiet zone if my friends sit next to me move away and not get distracted like I usually do.
- Get organised and don't leave anything behind at home so I don't get in trouble
Monday, 4 April 2016
Current Events Term 1 Week 10
What is more exiting than having a hot pizza delivered to you by your door by a robot.
Thanks to DRU (Domino's robotic unit) made that reality.
The fully autonomous is the collaboration between domino's pizza Australia and Sydney-based startup mechanical robotics. The 450 pound machine can go 12.5 miles an hour they can go a distance that is 12 miles there and back before needing to charge.
LIDAR, a laser-based sensor technology similar to the ones used in self-driving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles, while traditional sensors, much like those most used in robotic vacuums to make sure that it's path is safe as it to its destination. DRU's weather and waterproof acrylic plastic exterior protects the food from the elements while it's aluminium steel interior ensures the pies remain hot. The DRU is equipped with a GPS and Google maps guidance DRU can navigate bike paths and also find the quickest way to the destination. To access there food customers have a unique code provided by the company this doesn't just ensure that the pick-up the right pizza but also it prevents the pies prom getting stolen.
Through domino's has thus has just one prototype they except additional DRU'S to be ready for there service in different locations.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Current events Term 1 Week 9
We all think Easter egg hunts are just for humans but think again because gorilla's and apes love egg hunts aswell. At Ohio's Cincinnati zoo and botanical gardens even the animals join in. On Saturday march 19 park officials organised the annual egg hunt for the resident lowland gorillas. The hid bright coloured eggs and other treats for them.
These gorilla's and apes know exactly what to do the pick up there baskets and try and find as many treats as the can. As soon as the found them they devoured them.
If you want to watch the video click this link.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Technology Week two
For Technology week two we made juices and smoothies. For week two we didn't use a recipe we used a flow chart.
- Wash hands and put on apron.
- Get out the equipment that we needed.
- Get the food we were going to have with our juices and smoothies.
- Wash, peel and chop the food that we chose.
- Set up the processor and check that is is clicked in place.
- Put the food, water and ice in the processor if you want ice.
- Turn on the processor on for thirty seconds to one minute.
- Pour the mixture in to a cup.
There you have it do that with your smoothie and juice and your good to go.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Current events Term 1 Week 8
As Easter is coming a London bakery is baking a Easter treat which claims to be the best. They call it Creme egg cronut. The name of the bakery is Rinkoff bakery. The Creme egg cronut is made by injecting the filling from the Cadbury's creme egg filling the crodough.
There is a limited number of cronut's they make each day this creation only last's to the 26 of march. And it only cost's 3 pounds.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Technology Week one
For technology we have been doing cooking and for the first week we did mini pita pocket pizza's. We had to get a pita pocket, cheese, tomato paste, tomato, ham, pineapple.
If we wanted we could put onion and capsicum.
Put the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and on fan bake and in the middle of the oven
- We needed to get the base then spread tomato paste over it.
- Grate the cheese and chop and peel the onion if we had it on our mini pita pocket pizzas.
- Put the ingredients on the pizza and lay them on baking paper put it on a tray then put it in the oven.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
4 Words
4 Words To Describe Me
- Kind
- Fun
- Skilled
- Funny
4 Words To Describe My Parents
- Kind
- Fun
- Funny
- Caring
4 Words To Describe My Teachers
- Smart
- Thoughtful
- funny
- intellagant
Current events. Term 1 Week 7
There has been a recent discovery about a monster rat. A gas engineer was working on a block of flats near a London playground. He found it hiding in a bush and said it weighed around eleven kgs. They say they might be breeding underneath the city streets. It is known as a grasscutter or also known as a cane rat.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Writing and me.
What skill's do I have that help me in writing?
Some skills that I have are Spelling, Summarising, Questioning and Rereading.
What can I offer to others in writing (Writing club or workshops)?
I can offer them my help and I could also offer them some advice If they want.
What do I think makes a good writer?
What can I offer to others in writing (Writing club or workshops)?
I can offer them my help and I could also offer them some advice If they want.
What do I think makes a good writer?
A good writer needs to is to when he/she writes that they reread and make sure that it makes sense and also make sure that it is spelt correctly.
What am I interested in writing about?
I am interested it writing about things that are not real and I like making up my own stories. I think that writing has helped me a lot in writing.
What is your biggest challenge or obstacle as a writer?
My biggest challenge is thinking of what to write about and when I need something to write about I don't have anything to write about.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Welcome back
I am looking forward to the types of activities that we are going to do this year.
This year I am going to try my best and I am going to concentrate and not get distracted.
I hope that I am going to do better in here then I was doing in cinducut before
My goal this year is to better at my school work and do better then I did last year.
I know I am going to do better in my reading because I am going to read more books and read 100 pages of a book a day.
This year I am going to try my best and I am going to concentrate and not get distracted.
I hope that I am going to do better in here then I was doing in cinducut before
My goal this year is to better at my school work and do better then I did last year.
I know I am going to do better in my reading because I am going to read more books and read 100 pages of a book a day.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Kurt's Theme Song
The story of my life one direction.
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holding on too tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I been holding on so tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And I been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen
The story of my life
I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holding on too tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I been holding on so tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And I been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
And time is frozen
The story of my life
I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Multiple Intellengences
I have discovered that when I learn I find it easier to learn when I am listening to music. I think that my strengths are maths and music. I have learnt that it is easier to concentrate not listening to music. This smarts test has shown me how I learn and how much I use these intelligences.
My 100 Word Recount
100 Word Recount.
These holidays my family and I went out and went on the boat. I had a go in the biscuit. When when we went round a turn I fell out and I go annoyed at whoever was driving because he went to fast for me and when I fell it hurt. We didn't really go anywhere else and we also went camping we played spotlight sometimes the most obvious spot is the best spot. My mum tried on the skies and it did not end out well it was very funny. My step dad was driving the boat.
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